I've started a new blog over at www.ebikerevolution.com but I haven't figured out how to upload pictures yet so this blog is my current repository for images. This image comes from www.cruzbike.com from the "photomonial" section (under "testamonials"). I've always been interested in recumbants and this one has larger wheels (26") so it rides high off the ground, something that I prefer. Anyway, this ebike is a nice looking one so I thought I'd post it.
I'm still having problems tracking down a conversion kit for my bicycle. I have no idea why this is so hard. Everone seems to be back ordered at this point. I ordered a battery from ATIV Solutions. Eric Converse, the owner, was very helpful. Unfortunately, he only sells kits for 26" and 700 wheels.
I was admiring your electric bike friday and came across my own bike! (the cruzbike). I have to say I'm a bike fan of folding bikes too - so nice job on the electric conversion :) There are some pics of an electric folding bike on my flckr page somewhere as well.
awesome,that is my bike lol.ops ok by the way visit my blog site on electric bike kits.I have make some reviewing of this stuff and hope we can share something.
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